I wish that everyone listened to their motor the way Bobby Allison did.
Texas Longhorn
Talk about madness... How would you like to rope and brand this guy? This is a steer, not a bull. His testicles have been not-quite surgically removed to improve his disposition.
To be honest, they don't raise these guys for beef very much these days. They're just too difficult to deal with. Sometimes the horns are harvested, but mostly they're just the ultimate Texas totem, more than even the armadillo.
This is my cowboy hat. Now, before you go and say a bunch of cruel things about my hat, I feel that it is only fair to inform you that I am a natural-born Texan and will not suffer any abuse about my hat. This is a real cowboy hat, not one of those squirrely plastic or leather things with a bunch of costume jewelry around the band. This is the kind of hat that real Texans (and cowboys everywhere) wear. It is straw with an open weave in the crown to allow air to move through and cool your head. The reason you wear these hats is not to make all the city folk stare at you when you go into town, although they do and it's kind'a fun. You wear them because they work. Notice the big shadow on my shoulders. That's the hat. It keeps the sun off and keeps you from collapsing with sun stroke. When you wear this hat, no one is going to mistake you for one of those baggy pants buttheads who can't figure out how to put on a baseball cap. But then, "My heroes have always been cowboys."
I don’t know why I had to go there, but I had to go there. I had to see Mt. Carmel, the site of the Branch Davidian compound where 80 or more people died in a botched raid by the ATF and FBI. We were traveling down to Austin to visit my mother and our route took us through Waco. Mt. Carmel isn’t actually in Waco; it’s a few miles to the east of town. There are no signs which might direct tourists to the place. You have to know where you’re going. I’m sure the town of Waco would be more than happy to forget that Mt. Carmel ever existed, and to escape the linkage of their town’s name with tragedy. It won’t happen anytime soon.
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